Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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24 January 2020

Christmas survey: deadline extended

Books+Publishing is currently conducting its Christmas survey of booksellers and publishers. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey online. We’re accepting submissions until midnight (AEST), Monday 26 January.... Read more

No ‘Daily’ on Monday x

Please note that, due to the public holiday on Monday, the next Daily newsletter will be published on Tuesday, 28 January.
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Gomez leaves PRH x

Elena Gomez has left her role as deputy managing editor at Penguin Random House Australia (PRH) to pursue a career in freelance writing and editing. Gomez, who worked at PRH... Read more


Pantera acquires Emanuel’s ‘The Covered Wife’

Pantera Press has acquired ANZ rights to Lisa Emanuel’s debut novel The Covered Wife, via Catherine Drayton at InkWell Management. Emanuel’s novel follows an ambitious young lawyer who falls under... Read more
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Higher book prices contribute to UK market growth

The UK book market’s consistent growth over the last decade can be attributed to a steady increase in the average selling price (ASP) of books, reports the Bookseller. While volume... Read more
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Kate Cuthbert

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Angela Glindemann

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Jess Lomas

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Andrew Wrathall

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